How Updating 1 Old-School Tool Can Grow Your Business in a Socially Distant 2020

The year 2020 is a lot of things to a lot of people.

But this can and should be the year that your business explodes with social media. Don't sleep on or stay resigned to the power of social media to connect during this first moment in its history of not being able to safely connect in person as an alternative (ICYMI we are still in a pandemic). Real talk: The days of "I prefer an actual handshake to a virtual thumbs up" can be an impediment to your success in 2020 for as long as social distancing is needed.

To go easy on you (this is a safe space!) and not overwhelm those of us that are just seriously dipping our marketing toe into social media, let's look at one simple traditional marketing tool that can build your social media currency along with your lead generation.

Watch this month's 10-Minute(ish) MBA video if you really want to take the social media bull by its horns and make it a lead-generator for you. How Updating 1 of the Oldest Marketing Tools Can Grow Your Business in a Socially Distant 2020:

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Want more of the best practices of our nation's top producers? Grab your copy of the short read, Profit with Your Personality and, the classic, 5-star rated workbook, Plan to Win, to transform their real estate sales game plan. Or, get your "training on" with these on-demand classes.  Here's to your success! #LearnWithDrLee
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