Why Do Real Estate Agents Get Burned Out? 4 Signs and Solutions
As featured in Follow-Up Boss Blog (not sponsored).
Are you burned out, frustrated and ready to give up on your real estate life?
Check out this video on the 4 SIGNS OF BURN OUT (REALTOR® edition) and the tips to help you renew your love for real estate sales.
Video Quotables:
“There is no honor in struggling!"
You must have, not only systems in place, but people in place”
“Trust is developed over time”
Resource Links Mentioned in the Video:
1. The Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education — my article abstract in this esteemed, peer-reviewed journal that studied some of the top 1,000 U.S. real estate sales agents: http://aresjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/1521-4842.21.1.29
2. Follow-up Boss: https://www.followupboss.com/ and https://www.followupboss.com/blog/real-estate-employee-burnout/
What are the Car Chronicles?
We all have a place where we do our best thinking for our best life. For me, it’s my car! Weekly I will upload my take on a hot topic (which sometimes will include other industry pros who are carpooling).
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