Do You Know How to "Profit with Your Personality©"?

Are you on a hunt for more leads? Whether you’re new to real estate sales or a veteran interested in reinventing your lead generation strategy to keep your sales pipeline full, if you said yes, then you may be interested in hearing how top producers are leading the pack.

For example, one sales leader suggests using Instagram and advertising on Facebook. You try the exact steps given but you don’t see the same results. Then another leading sales agent encourages you to go back to sending postcards and having open houses.  Your results after several months are still less than noteworthy. Others propose methods that have been “tried and true” for them, but you still do not see the same level of closings.

What is going wrong? Are you just not cut out to sell real estate in today’s marketplace?

Answer: You probably are not using lead-generating tactics that complement your natural behavioral tendencies and personality. In other words, the suggested prospecting activities are personally awkward for you and it shows in your sales (or lack thereof). As a result, you are a misfit in real estate – but there is help available.

Of course, there can be issues if you do not give a lead generating approach enough time to work (i.e. you have to try it more than twice), your work ethic is lackluster or the “winning” technique inadvertently is “missing” a few of the critical steps (hopefully that was not purposeful but there can be stiff competition in sales). If those are not your qualms, then check to see if you are working against how you are wired to sell.

Have you ever seen a toddler try to place a square peg into a round hole?  The toddler persists to the point of frustration (i.e. a temper tantrum) and then may move on to another toy, never to again return to the peg and hole. Or, the toddler may force the peg to fit, not realizing that the toy may become inoperable. Unfortunately, I have seen agents do the same with lead generation: They either force it to fit but it just does not work properly, or they walk away from it never to return. Both scenarios end in nerve-wracking, career-altering, confidence-shaking frustration.

Understanding your behavioral personality (I like using DiSC for this, but there are others) and the lead-generating activities that support your natural inclinations can be like finding the square hole in which to place the square peg.

If you are not sure how to Profit with Your Personality© in real estate sales, begin by taking this no-fee, easy-breezy assessment (scroll down for the entire form).

And, feel free to schedule an introductory chat with me if you have questions or are interested in coaching: click here.

You've got this!

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